Wednesday, July 28, 2010

NYPD Tickets Can No Longer Be "Taken Care Of"


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via Gothamist by Jaya Saxena on 7/27/10

Finally busted (Flickr user kerfuffle & zeitgeist)
From the biggest traffic violation to the smallest man brown-bagging it on the corner, no summons is going to make it past the NYPD. The department has begun tracking every single summons electronically, making it nearly impossible for cops to throw out tickets issued to friends and family. One police source told the Daily News, "It used to be very easy to have a ticket taken care of...Now, every ticket is accounted for, so if there's one missing, questions are going to get asked." But we knew a guy!

Though cops could still take pity on those in the loop by just not writing a ticket, once the ticket is in the system it'll be really difficult to erase. Previously, cops would simply place a copy of the ticket they wrote into the precinct's "summonses box," to be transferred to the courts within a day. If they wanted to get rid of the ticket, all they had to do was take it out of the box. But now, each cop will be given a book of 25 blank, pre-scanned tickets at the beginning of their shift, which will link them to the issued summonses. The tickets will then be re-scanned as soon as they return to the precinct.

Another source assures that ticket "fixing" isn't actually a problem, saying, "There is no epidemic of tickets getting tossed because of people saying, 'Hey, my uncle's on the job.' But it does happen." The new rules apply to parking and moving tickets, as well as "C" summonses for things like quality of life and environmental violations.

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