Friday, November 07, 2008

How Can I Access My REAL User Control Panel On My XP Home Machine??


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via Ask The Admin by Karl L. Gechlik | on 11/5/08

So you need to get to the REAL user control panel on a XP Home SP2 machine? Yes Microsoft locked this down and only give you rudimentary access via the control panel if you upgraded past SP1..

But that has never stopped AtA from putting you on before - Right?!

 Here it is early morning and reader Leslie is fiending to get at this cotrol panel.

And why shouldn't she be able to - it is her machine after all. If you are not part of a domain we really don't have a good reason for you to need the more expensive XP Pro! Lets start by going to the start menu then clicking run and typing control userpasswords2 like so:

This is the console you should get…

Bam! Just like that you now have your normal user control panel that you would have never seen on XP home! You can change the administrators password and add users normally.
Share your tips with us in the comments!


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Get nerves of steel! Stop worrying about your network with Steel Inventory.


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via Ask The Admin by Mohammad Al-Refai on 11/6/08

Are you a Network Admin?

Do you have problems sleeping, worrying about your network?

Do you Keep up with hardware/software changes on your network?

If you answered yes to any if the above questions - Then you should check out Steel Inventory.

With admin privileges you can learn about every piece of hardware and software, that exist on your network, view host names and gain the ability to take snapshots of workstations.

Farther more it tells you when a change occurs.

Don't have a budget for it? Don't worry it's FREEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Secure your Operating System with This Simple Trick! Works on most OS’s!


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via Ask The Admin by Karl L. Gechlik | on 11/6/08

Around my network we don't have ANY user accounts called Administrator or Admin - Period.

Why you might ask?

Well for starters it's a HUGE security risk!  Let's look at it like this. If a hacker wants to try and gain access to your machine the first thing they will do after a port scan is try and find your administrator password.

Most of the time automated scans search for weak passwords on commonly named administrator accounts including: Root, Administrator, Admin and foreign variations on them. If the potential attacker does not know what the account is called then they will have a MUCH harder time gaining admin access.

I learned way back when in school to not only rename my real administrator account but to create another account called Administrator with limited access.

This creates Honeypot of sorts. For a great example of Honeypot's and snooping on the snoops check out this article on using Spector.

Why is it called a honey pot? Good question read this answer below:

Winnie the Pooh is a big fan of honey. In fact, he loves it so much that he will often get his paws and even his face stuck in the honey pot! In the computer world, a Honey Pot is a computer (or network of computers) designed to detect and monitor hackers. The idea is that the hacker will be lured in and trapped by the honey pot.

Now I don't go crazy and give this sudo admin account  an easy password either, after all the unauthorized user gains a small bit of access to your network that they did not have before. This is not what want. We want them to spend their time and resources looking for information that really doesn't help them. And in the process your intrusion prevention services should catch them in the act.

So really password protect your fake administrator account. Let them spin their gears getting something that is no where near as critical as if they got your real account - you know the one you just renamed honeyp0t :)

This works on any operating system where you can rename your administrator account. Do you have other tips or tricks for securing your servers? Let us know in the comments! Put your fellow admin's on!



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Why does my Outlook always tell me it was shut down improperly? Why do I hav...


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via Ask The Admin by Karl L. Gechlik | on 11/7/08

This problem is very wide spread and a lot of users have just accepted the fact that Outlook 2003 takes FOREVER to start up with this check. Take a look at the solution below from blogger Steven Smith.

A common problem with Outlook is the infamous data file issue that pops up when you launch Outlook and says it must check the data file for consistency because it was not shut down properly. In Outlook 2003 this is annoying because Outlook is unusable until the check completes, which can take a long time for large PST files. In Outlook 2007 this is a minor issue because the task occurs in the background and simply has a system tray bubble announcing its status. However, in both cases, the process of checking the file consistency is an annoying one that slows down one's system and so if it can be avoided, it should be.

If you simply go into Task Manager and kill Outlook.exe, or if you just push the power button on your PC to turn it off, or if (I know, this never happens) windows just flat out crashes on you, then of course it makes sense for Outlook to tell you that it didn't shut down properly. That's acceptable, to me, that it should detect this improper shutdown and take the necessary steps to deal with it the next time I launch it.

But what if you're a Good Windows User(TM), and you always close all of your applications The Right Way, and then shut down your PC using the Start – Shutdown method? You wouldn't think you would see these problems, but many people (even me, sometimes) do. Here's a little secret: The way to shut down Outlook properly when you're shutting down Windows is not to shut it down at all.

That's Right. Don't shut down Outlook when you're getting ready to shut down your machine.

Why? Because when you shut down Outlook, the window goes away, but the process continues running for some time doing file system work on your PST files. That's why you'll see OUTLOOK.EXE sitting there in the Task Manager for some time after closing the window. However, when you tell Windows to Shut Down, it tell each OPEN WINDOW to shut itself down, and waits for all OPEN WINDOWS to close before it starts killing off processes. So, if Outlook is an open window, Windows will wait for it to close itself properly before shutting down. But if you the user have already killed the Outlook window, and all that remains is the OUTLOOK.EXE process, then if windows closes all of the other open windows (if any) before OUTLOOK.EXE is done doing its file stuff, windows will kill the OUTLOOK.EXE process (along with every other running process) as it shuts down.

Thus, windows itself will stop Outlook from properly shutting down if Outlook does not have an open window (i.e. visible UI on the screen) when you shut down your operating system. The "fix" for this behavior is to either:

1) Close Outlook a long time before you shut down your PC (or open task manager and make sure OUTLOOK.EXE is not there before shutting down).


2) Leave Outlook open when you perform your Start – Shutdown procedure, and let Windows worry about closing it.

If you follow either of these steps, you should not see the Outlook was not shut down properly message and you should avoid the data file / PST consistency check.

Do you guys have another method for keeping Outlook happy? Let us know in the comments!


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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Como seguir las elecciones 2008 por internet


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¿Por qué la cigua palmera es el ave nacional dominicana?


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via by amigoinvisible on 11/3/08

SANTO DOMINGO. La Cigua Palmera (Dulus dominicus) fue declarada Ave Nacional Dominicana el 14 de enero de 1987 y mucha gente todavía se pregunta por qué un ave tan poco fotogénica como la Cigua Palmera, que no canta como el ruiseñor, ni es tan carismática y colorida como la cotorra, fue declarada Ave Nacional.

La razón hay que buscarla en su singularidad taxonómica, y en la complejidad de su conducta reproductiva.

La Cigua Palmera (Dulus dominicus) pertenece a una familia monoespecífica (Dulidae), que son aquellas representadas por una sola especie. O sea, que es tan rara, que fue necesario crear una familia y un género (Dulus) para ella sola. No hay más de diez familias monoespecíficas en el mundo, y la de la Cigua Palmera es la única endémica de las Antillas.

Es un enigma para los científicos cómo un ave tan singular sólo existe en la isla Hispaniola. En el Museo de Historia Natural de Washington hay un diorama exclusivo para la Cigua Palmera.

Estudios genéticos sugieren un posible parentesco entre Dulidae y Bombicillidae, una familia oriunda de Norte América y Europa, lo que no hace más que ahondar el misterio.

Pues si el origen de la familia es Norte América, ¿por qué no existe en Cuba o en Bahamas, que están más cerca del Continente?

La Cigua Palmera es un poco más pequeña que un ruiseñor. La parte posterior es marrón olivácea con algo de verde en las alas. La parte anterior es blanco amarillenta con estrías verticales marrones.

Su comportamiento es muy activo y simpático. Es una excelente cazadora en vuelo. Construyen un nido comunal enorme, en el cual cada familia tiene su propio "apartamento", con una salida independiente al exterior, lo que garantiza privacidad a cada pareja.

Siempre anidan en palmas que no estén en contacto con ningún otro árbol, lo que evita que las ratas, las culebras y el hombre suban al nido. Ponen de 3 a 4 huevos con manchas oscuras.


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Monday, November 03, 2008

Mas temas nuevos de Navidad


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Los piropos!!!


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via by amigoinvisible on 11/2/08

De verdad que las ciudades en nuestro país no fueron concebidas para el uso del peatón. Primero las aceras son muy estrechas y normalmente están obstaculizadas por carros, tanques de basura y claro, no podemos olvidar a aquellos bárbaros motoconchistas que se creen que por pagar la placa automáticamente reciben "carte blanche" para transitar libremente por las aceras.

También está el factor "sálvese quien pueda" en donde el peatón juega a la vida o muerte con los automóviles que transitan y quienes normalmente no tienen ningún tipo de respeto por aquellas personas que tienen que caminar por la calle. Gracias a Dios nunca he tenido la necesidad de moverme de un lugar a otro a costa de mis piernas y por esto raramente tengo el placer de ser testigo de la última y más jocosa de las amenazas que acecha los peatones: los piropos.

La semana pasada yo andaba caminando por las calles de Bayahibe con dos amigas, una que es bien alta y la otra de facciones exóticas y tez oscura. En el lapso de cinco minutos y dos cuadras, de la nada, como espíritus de una casa embrujada, salieron todo tipo de "figuras" y "personalidades" cuyo único propósito era ser autores de todo tipo de "halagos", que sólo pueden ser catalogados como "piropos perrísticos".

Pero, ¿y será verdad que ellos se creen que voceando todo tipo de atrocidades se van a levantar a una tipa? ¿O será que juran y perjuran que con picarle un ojo y decirle "mami" estas mujeres se van a derretir del delirio y se arrancarán la ropa?

Debo admitir que casi me "defequé" de la risa y me puse a pensar en los motivos que podría llevarlos a vociferar tantas barbaridades (que debo admitir son sumamente divertidas). Como no encontré ninguna razón que tuviera una validez contundente, decidí que entonces debía de buscar los muchos otros piropos que día a día escuchamos en la calle y elaborar una lista que pudiera servirle de apoyo a aquellos quienes disfrutan de este pasatiempo. Aquí se los traigo, con errores gramáticales incluidos (creo que les da más sazón, ¿no les parece?)


1. Mi amol pero yo no tengo pelos en la lengua polque tu no quieres

2. Mi amol si tú cocinas como tú caminas gualdame un chin de concon.

3. Si yo fuera Colón, yo te dijera santa María que pinta tiene esa niña

4. Cuantas culvas y yo si frenos.

5. Quisiera ser un pirata, no por el oro ni la plata, sino por el tesoro que tienes entre las patas

6. Tu ojos son dos luceros, tus mejillas dos manzanas. Que linda ensalada de frutas harías con mi banana

7. Mi amor tu y yo deberíamos hacer la dieta del mulipanpan…. Mulito aquí, mulito aya y ¡pan pan pan!

8. Dime quien es tu ginecólogo para chuparle los dedos.

9. Quisiera ser bizco para así verte dos veces.

10. Mamita con menos culo también se caga.

11. ¡Niña! Si tu culo fuera un pan, tendríamos que untarte mantequilla con un remo.

12. No te lo vas a creer, pero hace treinta segundos yo era maricón.

13. Te lo metería hasta que el niño me lo mordiera.

14. Tú eres tan mágica que levantas cosas sin tocarlas.

15. Te espera un polvo que no te lo quita ni la aspiradora.

16. Mierquina mamis que maquinon, ven pa' llenate er tanque.

17. Bendito este ayuntamiento que construyó este pavimento para que pasara tremendo monumento.

18. Si tu cuerpo fuera cárcel y tus brazos cadenas, que bonito sitio para cumplir mi condena.

19. Si así es el infierno, ¡¡que me lleve el diablo!!

20. Por ti, subiría al cielo en bicicleta y bajaría sin frenos.

21. Cuanta carne y yo comiendo arroz vacío…

22. El cielo se esta quedando vacío porque todos los ángeles están en la tierra.

23. Si eso es tuyo… dame un chin.


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El cuco el cuco


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via by José Peguero on 11/3/08

tono rosario
Toño Rosario tomando cerveza 21 años atrás en un Bar de Santiago de los caballeros.

Imagen de Junior Saint Hilarie


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Is there a way to change cApITaLIzATiON automatically so I dont have to go b...


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via Ask The Admin by Karl L. Gechlik | on 11/3/08


How About Someone That Capitalizes Every Word In A Sentence?

Does That Bother You? Need To Change ALL CAPS to all lowercase?

Don't retype it use this quick key combo…

Go ahead select some text in any app that uses Word as its editor. That's Word, Power Point and Outlook (if you use word as your editor) Next hit this key combo -
Shift and F3.
It will cycle through three possibilities of Capitalization :
  • Initial Letter Case (Normal first letter of a sentence capitalized)
  • all lower case
So, if you have selected some text like:
"i LoveS mE soMe AsKtheAdmiN"

each time you press Shift+F3 you'll see it switch between "I LOVES ME SOME ASKTHEADMIN" and "i loves me some asktheadmin" and "I loves me some asktheadmin".

However! If you add some punctuation (like a period) at the end of what's selected, instead of using Initial Letter Case, it'll only capitalize the first letter of the sentence. So "I wiN!" will toggle between "I WIN!" and "i win!" and "I win!" (and not ever show "I Win!"). [Via Zeigen]



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Question: How can I diagnose a slow loading website - for free and easily?


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via Ask The Admin by Karl L. Gechlik | on 11/3/08

So you have a website or a blog and it takes forever to load but you have no idea if it is your 800 images or your mp3's playing in the background or wait…

Maybe its the 192 scripts you have running. Sound familiar?

Well we got a free website for you!

From Their Site:

Try our free web site speed test to improve website performance. Enter a URL below to calculate page size, composition, and download time. The script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component. Based on these page characteristics the script then offers advice on how to improve page load time. The script incorporates best practices from HCI research and web site optimization techniques into its recommendations.

You know AtA has mad love for free web based apps right? So this one will let you plug in your html or point it to a url. It will tell you where your load times are going and where you are hanging.

Amazing free resource for you webmasters or bloggers! Let us know your favorite free web apps! Put the AskTheAdmin readers on! Hit us up in the comments!


Edit: Check out the Firebug extension to Firefox. It has great functionality for this, in addition to other valuable tools for web development.


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Google a apoyar el OpenID


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via TresPasitos by fr0st on 10/30/08

Aparte de la sonada que dio Microsoft como nuevo proveedor de OpenID, ahora es Google el que se anota a esta tendencia que pretende implantar un sistema de autenticación "universal" para todos los usuarios y servicios. El gigante de Internet permitirá acceder a sus servicios web con este tipo de servicio, o más bien con una [...]


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Comparto con ustedes algunos truquitos MSN Messenger


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via TresPasitos by arturo56k on 10/31/08

Abrir ventana sin datos sin mail y sin nick Con este truco puedes hacer que al abrir una ventana de chat a alguien este no sepa con quien habla ya que no le aparece arriba el mail ni el nick. Se hace de la siguiente manera: En el menú de cambiar el nick, escribes lo siguiente, manteniendo pulsada [...]


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Las mujeres no saben manejar


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via TresPasitos by arturo56k on 10/31/08

Comparto con ustedes estos videoasos!!! Las mujeres no saben manejar y la mujer de los 3 brazos.


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Cuide su semen, puede afectar a sus hijos


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via TresPasitos by arturo56k on 11/2/08

Un estudio sugiere que los defectos de espermatozoides que han sido causados por la exposición a toxinas ambientales pueden transmitirse de generación en generación. Artículo Según los científicos, los padres que fuman y beben deberían estar conscientes de que no sólo se están provocando potenciales daños a sí mismos, sino también a sus hijos. Unas pruebas efectuadas [...]


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Halloween @ V Mansion - Fotos


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via Ponte by nisti2 on 11/2/08

Una noche de Halloween en La V Mansion, la capital estubo cargada de terror, dandonos musica y buen ambiente.

Gracias a Issac Alonzo por las fotos.

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