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Solo faltan e días para la ceremonia inaugural del mundial de Futbol Sudáfrica 2010, el mundial de Futbol Sudáfrica 2010 tiene a todo el mundo muy emocionado y la cadena de televisión ESPN ha preparado 32 póster conmemorativo del mundial de Futbol Sudáfrica 2010.
Los 32 póster de ESPN del mundial de Futbol Sudáfrica 2010 son bastantes creativos y cada uno de ellos simbolizan el fútbol y la tradiciones propias de cada uno de los países participantes.
Police Officers and Urban Park Rangers aid an injured deer at Inspiration Point just north of W. 181st Street on June 8. Photo: Jon Reznick
Police and Urban Park Rangers wielding tranquilizer guns shut down the Henry Hudson Parkway on Wed., June 9 while they hunted for a deer that had scampered on the highway north of W. 181st Street near the colonnaded shelter known as Inspiration Point.
The George Washington High School Trojans' shortstop Mike Antonio was drafted by the Kansas City Royals in the Major League Baseball draft on June 8.